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The Easiest Way to View Blog ID and Post ID on Blogger

Every blog has a unique identification, including a Blog ID and Post ID, consisting of a series of numbers as a specific code for that blog.

For experienced bloggers, understanding Blog ID and Post ID is profound. However, for novice bloggers entering the blogging world, it's crucial to comprehend the IDs of their own blogs.

Understanding Blog ID and Post ID

Blog ID is a numeric code on a website or blog serving as a unique identifier. Similarly, Post ID is a numeric code associated with each article page within the blog.
Despite appearing trivial, these codes can be crucial for bloggers. Many lose access to their blogs because someone else knows their Blog ID.

It's vital for a blogger to keep their Blog ID code confidential. If leaked, it can have fatal consequences for the security of their blog.

Functions of Blog ID and Post ID Codes

There are several functions of the Blog ID code that significantly impact the website or blog itself. Here are some functions explained, based on research from admin

1. As Login Access to the Blogger Dashboard

This function is crucial as it allows users to regain access to the Blogger dashboard if they lose login due to issues with their PC, laptop, or Android. By using the Blog ID code, users can log back into the Blogger dashboard.

2. As a Widget Enhancer

If users are accustomed to editing or optimizing the blog's template/theme to enhance the homepage's appearance, it often involves adding HTML, JavaScript, or CSS code. The Blog ID code is usually included in the required HTML or JavaScript code. By including the Blog ID code in HTML, users can add additional widgets as desired.

3. As a Blog Redirect Code

This function is no less important than the previous two, especially during blog transitions, such as migrating from Blogspot to WordPress. The example above illustrates that the data transition process from Blogger to WordPress requires the use of the Blog ID code.

Other cases include transitioning from an old address to a new one, such as from to In this process, if issues arise during the transition, users can use the Blog ID code as a solution.

By understanding these functions, users can more effectively utilize the Blog ID code for specific purposes in managing their blogs.

The functions of the Post ID are as follows:

1. As Content URL Redirect

Firstly, the presence of the Post ID code can be utilized as a tool for redirecting blog URL. This is especially useful for novice bloggers who have transitioned from an old address to a new one. Sometimes, some content URLs may break, resulting in a 404 page indicating that the page is inaccessible. Therefore, to restore broken pages, users can use the Post ID code from that content to request access again.

2. As a Remover of Broken Content URLs

If there are many broken content URLs on the blog, caused by various factors like transitioning from an old address to a new one or redirecting old content links to new ones, the Post ID code can be used as a means to remove broken content URLs.

By understanding these two functions, users can more effectively manage content URLs and address issues that may arise during the transition or changes in the blog's structure.

After understanding these functions, it's time for users to learn how to view their Blog ID and Post ID.

To view Blog ID and Post ID in detail on the Blogger platform, follow these steps:

Viewing Blog ID:

1. Login to the Blogger Dashboard

Open Blogger ( and log in using your Google account.

2. Select the Desired Blog

If you have more than one blog, choose the blog whose ID you want to see.

3. Click "Settings"

On the left side, select your blog and go to the "Settings" option.

4. Check the Browser URL

Note the URL in the browser address bar. After the /post/, you will see the numbers. That's your Blog ID.

Viewing Post ID:

1. Login to the Blogger Dashboard

Log in to Blogger Dashboard ( using your Google account.

2. Select Blog and Open Posts

Choose the blog you want to check. Then, click on the "Posts" option to open your list of posts.

3. Choose a Specific Post

Click on a specific post you want to view the Post ID for.

4. Check the Browser URL

Look at the URL in the browser address bar. After Blog ID, those numbers are the Post ID of that post.

By following these steps, you can view Blog ID and Post ID in detail on Blogger. Make sure to keep your Blog ID confidential for your blog's security.
In conclusion, the crucial role of Blog ID and Post ID in blog optimization has been discussed. Blog ID is not just a key to protect access to the Blogger Dashboard but also a key element to enhance the blog's appearance through widget additions and manage blog transitions, such as when migrating from Blogspot to WordPress.

Meanwhile, the presence of Post ID provides flexibility to handle broken content URLs, offering an effective solution during transitions from old to new addresses. With a deep understanding of these two identifications, a blogger can be more proactive in managing the blog and addressing changes or challenges that may arise during their blogging journey. For the next steps, let's apply this knowledge by viewing Blog ID and Post ID on our respective personal blogs. May this insight not only be beneficial but also enhance the positive impact on your blogging experience.

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